As a hotel manager, we require impeccable cleaning every day. Fet i Net always exceeds our expectations with top-notch service.


Laura Pons

Hotel Manager

El servei de neteja de Fet i Net és impecable. Les nostres oficines sempre llueixen netes i professionals gràcies a ells.


Albert Gual


He contractat Fet i Net per a la neteja de casa meva i estic molt satisfeta. El personal és molt amable i la feina sempre es fa a la perfecció.


Maria López



Isabel Cano


My office is always in perfect condition thanks to Fet i Net. Their cleaning service is exceptional.

15 / 01 / 2023


Albert Gual


Fet i Net's cleaning service is impeccable. Our offices always look clean and professional thanks to them.

12 / 02 / 2023


Rosa Navarro


Our flower shop is always clean and welcoming thanks to Fet i Net. They are professionals and always leave the place spotless.

19 / 02 / 2023


Xavier Costa


As a chef, kitchen cleanliness is essential. Fet i Net does an exceptional job keeping our restaurant in perfect condition. Their attention to detail is impressive.

18 / 07 / 2023

Jaume Soler

Maintenance technician

In our company, we need everything to be clean and organized to ensure a good work environment. Fet i Net has provided us with excellent service, exceeding our expectations.

07 / 01 / 2024

Montserrat Ferrer


As a senior, I greatly appreciate Fet i Net's help in keeping my home clean. They are very kind, efficient, and respectful of my needs.

24 / 05 / 2024

Join our team!

We are looking for people who are committed and passionate about cleaning. Join our professional team and help create clean and healthy spaces for our customers.
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